

BEAR WITH ME GUYS! As you can see I'm in the glamorous process of moving. 
But FINALLY on Sunday we're off to our new, bigger, better apartment in Malmö which is almost an hour closer to school. 
Currently it takes me about 2 h to get there and it's exhausting since we have to be there between 9-16. 

But I'm here to let you know that it's killing me not to be able to blog or do videos and I can't wait to get back on track. 
This break has given me so much inspiration and motivation to create even better content. 
I read all your comments and appreciate when you give me tips and hints about what you want to see more of! 

I will get back into the hang of this ASAP, and until then you can get your daily dose of me on other social medias such as:

INSTAGRAM - elin.berlin
SNAPCHAT - elinstinaberlin

Also, I'm planning on doing a Q&A soon so leave lots of questions in the comments and I will answer them in an upcoming video!

7 kommentarer:

  1. good luck with the move beauty! :D hope all goes well and that you are back soon!

    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

  2. Kul! Jobbigt, men kul att flytta är det ju! Flyttade själv i somras, och det tar sin lilla tid att komma på plats. Men det får det göra.
    Hur är sambolivet? Hur gör ni med mathandlingar och den ekonomiska frågan? Har du några bra tips på hur man underlättar och förgyller den delade vardagen?
    Att inte bry sig om vad folk tycker, att stå på sig. Hur gör man det på bästa sätt, och hur orkar man inte bli påverkad så mycket? Eller så blir en det, men hur hanterar du det?

  3. Could you recommend blogs, intagrams and snapchats to follow? Also how do you decide what to post, where do your ideas come from?
    I'm becoming addicted to this blog <3 <3

  4. How did you and your boyfriend meet?
    What are your goals for the future? Both personal and professional.

  5. How would you describe your style and where are your favourite places to shop? If you could pick one place to travel to where would it be?
    lots of love from Australia xxx

    Also, I used to read your old blog and decided to check it one day when I found you'd started this one!
    So glad you're back to blogging again, your old blog was one of my favourites and I can't wait to see what's in store for this one :)

  6. Are u still writing songs? Ur so awesome!<3

  7. hur kan du ha en så perfekt hy?? hur gör du? själv kämpar jag med acne :///
